Friday, April 30, 2010

TransForm East Coast Conference

Today I had the pleasure of attending the Transform East Coast Conference. This conference is centered around the Emerent community. The emerging church is a group of committed believers that look at the margins of community and think about ways that those communities can be connected to the christian community. The Emerging Church and ideas are continuing to grow. My hope for Restoration Point is exacting in line with the emerging ideas:
  • A Place where a variety of worship expereinces take place. Services like the "encouragement university"; Silent Service; Prayer Station Service; and Communion Services.
  • Diversity is Desired - We want people from all nations, races, and backgrounds to join in community together.
  • Focus on community not ritual - The reality is that some churches go through the motions of worship and service. Emerging churches and Restoration Point seeks to find creative ways to serve our community and not just focus on church only programs.
  • Growth is Essential to Spirituality - Preaching and teaching are essential to the movement of God in a person's life.

The bottom line is that we don't want to be like every other church. We simply want to be the church that God called us to be.

Key Question: What kind of church would you like to be a part of?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Musings - Jesus Understands My Temptation to Quit

This new post each Monday will be my reflection on this past Sunday's Service. It has often been said that Monday's are the worst day for preachers because of the let down after the Sunday Services. I want to spend a few minutes reflecting on my thoughts of the Sunday Service. This first post has to do with my sermon yesterday - Jesus, A Man Who Understands My Temptation to Quit! I really liked this sermon because I so often feel like I want to quit. I understand that I live in a world that quits. 50% of marriages end in divorce. We talk about the fact at the National Fatherhood Inititive that 24 million children grow up without a dad in the home (24 million dads giving up on their kids). I talk with people almost every week that give up on their dreams. I also see so many people that are quitting church. In fact one of the books that I read last year was "Quitting Church" by Julia Dunn. Matthew 26:36-46 tells us about how Jesus understands our desire to quit. Jesus was in the garden and he basically told God he felt like giving up. I tried to communicate yesterday that we tend to quit when we focus on our own wishes, lose focus, put God on our timetable, or refuse to face difficulties. One fact that the Holy Spirit really impressed on me about giving up was from Judas. I said that "Judas didn't get to experience the resurrection because he was stuck at the crucifixion." The point was that I should not let my difficulties lead me to quit so I miss my victories. Finally, I had the church write down one thing that they vowed that they would never quit. What would be your thing?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jesus - A Man Who Understands

We are starting a new sermon series - JESUS, A MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS! As I have been thinking about the price that Jesus paid in going to the cross the price for our sins. I kept coming back to the fact that the whole "Cross Experience" was to communicate to us that He understands our pains, worries, and all of our life experiences. Hebrews teaches us that "Jesus is one that can sypathize with us in our weaknesses." I love this fact - Jesus, understands me. If you want to find out how Jesus understands you - come check out our church. One quick question - What would you like Jesus to understand about you?

Monday, April 5, 2010

WOW Service and Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday we celebrated our Easter Service with a special outdoor service and then an a easter egg hunt! We had almost 50 people and the weather was just beautiful. We were blessed with special music by Roy Denton and a wonderful testimony time about the 24 hour prayer retreat and the annual prayer service.
After the service we had a easter egg hunt for the kids. It is always fun to watch the kids run around searching for the eggs.
I also preached about how Jesus Understands Us. The message of the Resurrection is the fact Jesus understands us and understands our need for a Savior. Over the next 8 weeks we will be looking more into this topic and the ways that Jesus understands us.
My only disappointment was that we did not have as many visitors as I would have liked. I have such a heart for the community and I just want them to come to know Jesus as I do. He has done so much for my life and know that He could do great things for them as well.