Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today's Sermon - How to Have a Servant's Heart

This morning I preached on 1 Peter 2:13-25 on "How to Have a Servant's Heart." This was part of my current series on BECOMING A 5C Christian. Last week I looked at Courage, and this week was focused on being Committed to service. As I look at the 5C's I think the concept of committment is the one that is often the most challenging. I stated today that there were four steps to learning how to have a Servant's Heart. 1. Remermber that your service Pleases God. 2. Realize that through service you become more like God. 3. Know that God is the one that will give you rewards for your service. 4. Know that service is what gives your life purpose. As a Church, I hope that we are committed to serving Christ because of all that He has done for us.

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